Children as Zone of Peace (CZOP)-National Campaign was initiated its movement for the first time in Nepal in 2001 to promote the protection and promotion of children’s rights during and after armed conflicts. The campaign was initially a loose coalition of limited organizations working in the field of child rights, including CSOs, INGOs, the National Human Rights Commission, Red Cross Society and UNICEF Nepal as observer members. In 2023, the coalition has become more formalized, and today it has 72 member organizations so far associated from across Nepal and called as CZOP-National Campaign.
One of the primary goals of CZOP is to advocate for children as zones of peace, encouraging them to refrain from participating in armed or unarmed political movements. CZOP also seeks to ensure that children affected by conflict or any emergencies receive responsive support and relief from civil society.
Over the years, CZOP has lobbied and advocated for child protection issues, including ending corporal punishment, child marriage, child labor, abuse, and exploitation in all settings. As a result of these efforts, major political parties in Nepal have included children as zones of peace and child protection issues in their election manifestos. After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006, CZOP decided to focus on child protection as a major intervention area due to the prevalence of abuse, exploitation, and violence against children in Nepal. In 2008, CZOP expanded to become Children as Zone of Peace and Protection (CZOPP) to promote child protection in the country. However, in 2015, CZOPP reverted to its original name, CZOP, and removed the “P” to focus solely on advocating for children and schools as zones of peace. To institutionalize its work, CZOP conducted an “Impact Assessment” to assess its efficiency, effectiveness, organizational structure, and relationship with external and internal institutions. Based on the recommendations of the assessment report, CZOP formally registered itself in the District Administrative Office, Kathmandu, and received affiliation from the Social Welfare Council. CZOP is now a national coalition of organizations working in the field of child rights that advocates for the protection and promotion of children’s basic rights during and after armed conflicts, including the establishment of schools as peace zones.
In 2011, the Government of Nepal adopted the School as Zone of Peace Guideline, which CZOP had been advocating for. The guideline aims to protect schools from conflict and ensure that education is a safe and peaceful environment. Additionally, CZOP has been advocating for the best interests of children to receive special protection, and for schools to be established as peace zones.
CZOP’s efforts have also led to policy changes in Nepal. The Children Act (2075) now recognizes the use of children in political protest and campaigns as a crime against children. CZOP is currently advocating for the endorsement of the National Plan of Action on Children, the amendment of the National Strategy to End Child Marriage-2072, and the amendment of the Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 2056.
CZOP has also been partnering with different stakeholders to reduce discrimination against children, particularly on child marriage and sexual exploitation since 2017. The campaign has been strategically partnering with the National Human Rights Commission, UNICEF, likeminded INGOs such as Save the Children, Plan International, World Vision, Word Education, ……………Swdese… along with Government, MoWCSC, MoEST, federal and provincial level parliamentary committees, and local CBOs and NGOs under its major themes: Policy Advocacy, Child Protection, School/Children are zones of Peace and protection, and Networking and Institutional Development.
Overall, CZOP has emerged as a powerful movement in Nepal advocating for the protection and promotion of children’s basic rights during and after armed conflicts, as well as working towards ending child marriage, child labor, abuse, and exploitation in all settings.
“Collective Campaign and Solidarity for Children as Zone of Peace & Child Rights System Our Priority”
बालबालिका शान्ति क्षेत्रका लागि साझा अभियान र एकबद्ध्ता, बालअधिकार प्रणाली हाम्रो प्राथमिकता
The mission statement reflects to advocate for the integration of peace and children’s rights into public policy frameworks, while ensuring accountability and safeguarding the well-being of children in all aspects of society. Moreover, CZOP committed for holding all stakeholders accountable for the well-being and safety of children, ensuring that their rights are protected and upheld across various sectors. CZOP strives to drive systemic and transformative change, working towards inclusive policies that prioritize children’s rights and contribute to peaceful and nurturing environments for all children.
Peace and children’s rights are the foundation of public policy, our concern for everyone’s accountability
शान्ति र बालअधिकार सार्वजनिक नीतिको आधार, सबैको जवाफदेही हाम्रो सरोकार
The vision of CZOP “peace and children’s rights are the foundation of public policy, our concern for everyone’s accountability” is to create a peaceful environment for all children in all circumstances while dealing in emergency, armed conflicts and other normal situations. Their dream is to protect and promote the rights of all children, free from discrimination, abuse, and exploitation. To achieve this vision, CZOP is advocating for policy changes, providing technical support to local governments, civil society organizations, and partnering with various stakeholders. They also promote the concept of children as zones of peace and work towards establishing schools as zones of peace to ensure the safety and well-being of children in all settings.
A Nepal where every child enjoys their fundamental rights and lives in peace.
The idea of “Children as Zones of Peace” was first introduced by Niel Thedin from Sweden in 1983. In 1996, Grasha Massel emphasized the importance of recognizing children as zones of peace in the United Nations, marking the first official mention of the concept. Since 2001, Sri Lanka has implemented this concept, incorporating it into their practices and initiatives. During Nepal’s armed conflict, the rights of children were severely impacted as schools were used as parade grounds or shelters by both the Nepal Army and the Maoist Peoples Liberation Army. Many children were forced to become child soldiers, and others lost their lives in crossfire or mine/bomb blasts.
The concept of ‘School is a Peace Zone’ originated in Nepal through the efforts of Save the Children Norway-Nepal in 2001. Subsequently, in 2002, various organizations focused on children launched an advocacy campaign under the slogan ‘Children are Zones of Peace.’ In early 2003, a tragic incident occurred at Sharada Secondary School in Mudbara, Doti, where four children lost their lives in a crossfire between Maoist insurgents and the Nepal Army. This event further emphasized the importance of creating safe spaces for children. To consolidate these efforts and initiatives, the Coordination Committee for Children in Conflict was established in early 2003, under the coordination of the Central Child Welfare Committee. To strengthen and advance the campaign, the ‘Children as Zones of Peace (CZOP)-National Campaign’ was officially launched in Nepal on August 20, 2003 (3, Bhadra 2060), through the collaborative efforts of civil society organizations (CSOs). These efforts aimed to prevent further tragic incidents and ensure the protection and well-being of children during times of conflict.